Implementation & Administration


Whether creating a new plan or transferring the administration of an existing plan to Edberg Perry, we know our clients’ time is valuable and should be focused on running their business. As such, we oversee the process to ensure it runs smoothly, involving the client only when necessary and to the extent they desire. We understand that the amount of time a client is able to devote to the installation or conversion process can vary. We support each client to the extent necessary to ensure that their installation or conversion process is smooth, efficient, and accurate.

Our standard implementation process includes plan document preparation or review of existing plan documents. We walk through the plan provisions to ensure clear understanding by all parties with regard to how the plan works. Signature-ready plan documents are delivered to the client for review. Additionally, signed copies of plan documents are maintained at Edberg Perry in the event of a plan audit. Amendments to plan documents and plan termination filings are additional services available to clients.

Small business partners working together
Working together plan administration


After installation, a plan needs continuous supervision. As your Service Provider or “Third Party Administrator” (TPA), we process the administrative paperwork of the plan. We will perform all required nondiscrimination and compliance testing, prepare signature-ready required government filings, assist with distribution, withdrawal and loan processing and work closely with clients to determine proper allocations of employer and employee contributions. We pledge to deliver not only what is required, but also what you need and want.

In the event of a plan audit, our qualified consultants are prepared to provide you with the necessary support you need by working closely with you and the plan auditors to ensure a smooth and timely process.

Compliance Assistance

We are often asked by plan sponsors to help correct the myriad of issues that can occur in a retirement plan. For example;

  • Employees can be inadvertently excluded
  • Contributions can be allocated incorrectly
  • Government filing deadlines can be missed
  • Plan documents may not be updated in a timely manner

At Edberg Perry, we have several Enrolled Retirement Plan Agents (ERPA) on staff who are authorized by the IRS to represent a plan sponsor in negotiations when representation is desired by the plan sponsor. Additionally, we have strong working and consulting relationships with ERISA attorneys in the Phoenix area and nationally who can assist when attorney client privilege is required. At Edberg Perry, we get the compliance work done.

We love problems. Let us solve yours!

Small Business Owner Compliance Assistance